Request Assistance

Are you in need of assistance with a Linux-related project or task? Use the following menu to request assistance. Please be as thorough as you’re able to be while detailing what you need help with and what your desired outcome is. For example, if you need assistance with a task or project, be sure to mention the related settings, hardware, network configurations, intended result (and actual result). In the case of root-cause analysis, troubleshooting, and similar requests, be ready to provide sample log files, command output, and so on.


  • Everyone requesting help will be provided assistance to the best of my ability
  • If the assistance that’s being requested is outside the scope of my expertise, the meeting is subject to cancelation
  • In the case where an emergency prevents me from attending the meeting, a make-up session will be offered to you
  • No particular outcome can be guaranteed
  • Requested assistance may not be of any manner that violates the laws or regulations of any locality or country
  • No assistance will be provided that violates intellectual property or copyrights
  • No refunds

Note: LearnLinuxTV does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin, disability, sexuality, lack of sexuality, gender identity, lack of gender identity, favorite Star Wars film, marital status, or any other piece of personally identifiable information. I don’t even care if you’re a Human or Cylon (or even if you put Pineapple on your Pizza), so long as you’re respectful and kind.